Posts Tagged ‘cheats’

Trapping in the Entropia Universe MMORPG is the act of causing a mob to be put in to a state where it cannot excessively harm the avatar that is hunting it, while allowing the avatar that is hunting it to kill and loot the body of the trapped mob.

Trapping can be done a number of different ways, such as using certain parts of the terrain to cause the mob to become immobile and then killing the mob with a ranged weapon while the mob cannot harm the avatar hunting it as the mob cannot reach the avatar, or jumping in and out of flying vehicles which mobs cannot damage while hunting, etc.

Trapping is something that has existed in Entropia Universe in various forms since Entropia began. Mindark, the developer behind the Entropia Universe platform, has taken a number of different tactics over the years to stop trapping such as causing mobs to become ‘unreachable’ in certain circumstances. However, this is an ongoing and uphill battle since trapping still exists today.

Below I plan to create a list of links to various forums and websites where the topic of trapping exploits have been brought up as a topic of conversation, much as I have started to do with the alt avatar use list and the Kill Stealing List.

These lists are being created for historic purposes to outline for the Entropia Universe Community of Participants and general population outside of Entropia Universe how long these Exploit/Cheating problems have existed, and how widespread they have been. These lists also exist to give any Developers behind the Entropia Universe Platform at Mindark, or Planet Partner Developers running the Planets in Entropia Universe an idea of exactly how people are cheating or exploiting in game so that they can take actions in the future to keep that type of activity from happening.

Internet Archive Link

Internet Archive Link

Internet Archive Link